Day 4

Hello and welcome to day number 4 of UNCHAINED. A radically way to step into YOUR new year.

So let’s get into something a bit different. How about we take a walk on the wild side?

And I’m talking about YOUR wild side here! Not the person you are pretending to be to your parents, your teachers, your bosses, or even your neighbor next door but the REAL person waiting inside of you that only comes out in your daydreams.

Yeah. THAT person.

Did you see that coming? Do you know who that is? Ready to get in touch in a new and intimate way?

Well sit back, relax, dim the lights, draw the curtains, grab a glass of wine {or three… kidding! Maybe.} and let’s settle in for some real talk. The kind of talk that takes you in to the recesses of your mind to pull out the really good stuff that you normally keep locked away for special occasions. Because TODAY is that occasion.

What would YOU do if you had no one looking over your shoulder? No one to answer to? No THING that you HAD to do?

What if you could wake up every single morning and do whatever you set your mind to?

What IF you could spend every minute of every single day doing whatever lit your heart up? YOUR heart. AGAIN. Not your husband’s heart. Not your kid’s heart. Not your dog’s heart. BUT yours. How would you spend your day?

Let’s have some fun with this and do it LIST style. Brainstorm it. Don’t overthink it. I mean that’s where we get into problems, right?

Just grab your journal and a pen and start listing. Anything and everything that comes to mind.

What lights you up inside? What excites you? What do you always look forward to doing even if you don’t really want to do anything? What if there were no rules?

You can make this as long as you want but no less than a page. Once you get started it will all start to flow out of you.

Get your list going and then share a few things with me that you came up with that surprised you.