It’s time to open up all of your eyes. All of your gifts. All of YOUR epicness and embrace who you truly are and who you are meant to be.
6 weeks of encoded Source Magick here for YOU.
Are you ready to Elevate?
So I was finishing up my morning routine this morning… since you know it IS a MORNING routine, and a song started playing in my head.
I can see clearly now, the rain is gone. I can see all the obstacles in my way…
And it dawned on me.
Well YES I can!
I feel like the shades have lifted over my eyes… all 3 of them.
Have you ever had that happen before?
That a-ha moment?
That epiphany?
That moment of clarity when it just all makes so much more sense than it did before ALTHOUGH you thought before it had already made a ton of sense?
I know you follow me!
If not, just go with it because you will be there soon!
Especially if you have been checking out my freaking amazing activations here on my website. {hint hint}
But of course you have, right? I thought so.
So where was I?
The sun is shining bright today. Like literally. At least here in sunny Phoenix AZ.
AND I did a bomb-ass meditation last night guided by my guides.
In this meditation I unlocked an amazing gift hidden within me from many timelines ago. Delivered to me by Jesus. Yes he is the gift giver. Took me a bit to wrap my mind around it but I don’t struggle with that much anymore. So if you struggle just insert the magical term of whoever or whatever you believe. Just as long as YOU are believing that YOU have so many magical gifts already inside of you just waiting to be unlocked and allowed in to your presence.
And that, my friends, was my a-ha moment.
You see, the big U or God or Source has been giving me EPIC downloads lately. Well not just lately. For quite a long time now BUT I haven’t really been digging into them like they had wanted me to.
Sure I’ve been acknowledging them. Sometimes daily but more often than not only a couple times a week at that… IF I took the time.
Do you remember how I told you that if you are off track at all that the Universe rewards you with struggle?
Well, yeah. That.
I realized the big U was trying to get me to take a better {and way more consistent} look at my downloads.
I mean I’ve been pretty good.
I write them down. I create a summary of what they are and what they are for. And if it’s something I should be sharing with all of you amazing superstars.
But some of them have gotten lost along the way.
You see, some of these downloads just didn’t make a lot of sense to me. I mean they DID but I just wrote up what they were… expressed TO MYSELF how awesome they were and then they stayed tucked away in my journal added to my mile long TO-DO list.
BUT last night I was in kind of a funk and I should have been finishing my newsletter and EPIC new FREEBIE for YOU BUT I didn’t. I decided to do what I had to do to raise my vibration so I could then be the best ME I could be for you.
Because from that comes growth.
And when I grow you grow. Capisce?
So I knew I had a download that was pretty EPIC. It was this gift I received and with it came a guided meditation that my guides would take me through BUT they cautioned me that it would take about an hour of time.
And last night I had the TIME.
Or did I make the time?
OR did the Universe make me make the time? NOW doesn’t that remind you of my Chicken or the Egg blog post?
AND what I realized from doing that guided meditation was that each and every single day the Universe sends me a massive amount of inspired and aligned action to then take… every single day. The roadmap to my success. Which, of course, is the roadmap to your success since most of you are JUST behind me in your journey.
AND although I looked into and used MOST of it…
I wasn’t using all of it.
AND that just isn’t how this works.
The Universe sends us divine downloads that are aligned and in our highest good.
How many of you are listening?
Do you get downloads?
Do you even know what they are?
Do you know what they are for?
Do you even know what they mean or represent to you?
Here we are each and every day given something magical by Source and we do nothing with it.
And we wonder why we struggle.
We struggle because we aren’t aligned with what the U is GIVING us.
Like holy hell people!
This is freaking crazy, right?
Who wants to change this shit and get aligned with all of this EPIC information being sent directly to you by Source himself? The Head Honcho. The Big Kahuna. Freaking God.
Well it’s time.
Because I just rolled out the most EPIC program.
Although I think all my programs are.
BUT here it is.
6 weeks to understanding what is really going down between YOU and the big U. Source. God. Whatever. Insert your belief system here.
Week 1
This is where we dig deep into your reality. Who you are.
The beginning.
This week is all about identifying your starting point. You will be surprised at all that we come up with in this part of the program. It’s always amazing to me just how much we ignore on the day to day happenings in our lives.
Well, not only are we opening our eyes, mind, and soul to this… we are going to EXPLORE it!
Week 2
This is where it starts to get EPIC. This week we dig into who your Soul really wants you to be. 4 deep dive activation and attunement energies that will weave their magic throughout every single cell of your body and every area of your life bringing the real YOU to the surface so you can {finally} look her in the eye along with 1 badass guided meditation to create the actual life that goes with it all.
This is a balls to the wall EPIC transformation in the making.
Week 3
Another EPIC journey answering that age old question… What is my true purpose in life?
Well, I’m going to tell you!
Let’s take a pop into your Akashic Record and reveal to you YOUR true Soul’s purpose.
Yup! The question of the year!
Why is your soul really here and WHAT can you do to start being in ALIGNMENT with it?
AND you know what alignment means, right? Ease and flow.
Now who is ready for some of that?
Week 4
It just keeps getting better. Here we are halfway through this magical journey and THIS week we dig into your manifestation blueprints and areas of your life that just need a little more love to unlock the door to your manifestation story.
Did you know that each and every one of us has a specific way that our Soul likes to manifest abundance?
I know! Floored me as well. Let me make it a little {a lot!} less complicated for you.
This week we are throwing back the shutters and letting the light shine in.
For the love of all that is holy it is time to unleash the Queen within.
And it starts NOW.
My tried and true ways on HOW to manifest with ease and grace by aligning not only to your true soul’s purpose BUT aligning to your Life Areas as well.
Life Areas you ask? Yep. All of the areas in your life that you have been putting on the back burner because there isn’t enough time… or money… or both BUT what you’ve really been doing is BLOCKING your freaking abundance.
BUT not anymore!
Because we are going to align you with your soul’s manifestation blueprint.
The exact areas of your life that need love and how your soul wants it done to allow your frequency to FINALLY match your Soul’s and you KNOW when that happens the clouds part and the angels sing. Their song you ask = Abundance.
NOW abundance comes in all shapes and sizes. Right? So, of course, it’s time to get the DL {quite literally}.
Yes. We are talking DOWNLOADS.
FROM SOURCE. The Big “U”. God himself. Whichever term floats your boat.
Week 5
THIS is the week. THE week. I think I said this about all of the weeks but I really mean it this time.
We unlock the mystery of your downloads. What they are. How often you get them. What to do with them. What does it all really mean. THE freaking KEY to your aligned and inspired action!
This week has some epic energy in store for you.
4 MASSIVE energy activations and attunements to align you with your pot of Gold. And that pot of gold is access to your downloads.
Wrapping it all up with…
Week 6
Putting it all together into one awesome EPIC master Action Plan that is completely ALIGNED for you and your Soul’s purpose so that you can start showing up every day for YOU and your ideal clients/path taking massive aligned and inspired action while aligning with your manifestation blueprints and bringing quality LOVE to all areas of your life to FINALLY help you bring YOUR {and your Soul’s} DREAM LIFE to the present.
- You know where you are.
- You know where your soul wants you to be.
- You know your true Soul’s Purpose AND you know how to align with it.
- You know your Soul’s manifestation blueprints and how your life areas affect your abundance.
- You even have some EPIC downloads under your belt.
Now let’s put it all together and create your MAP to the most epically amazing aligned and inspired ACTION week. Cuz aint’ no one getting no where without taking INSPIRED AND ALIGNED ACTION.
THIS is the week to TOP all weeks.
Putting it all together
An actual game plan to get you started creating the LIFE even bigger than you ever imagined… before this program that is! Yep remember we took a peek at this in week 2.
A step-by-step action plan you can follow each and every day to keep you in alignment and making the progress you’ve been searching for finally all here for you in one single place.
Are you ready?
Sign up now and get your BONUS 172 Strand DNA Activation to spark your gifts to life so you can begin creating some massive magic of your own plus an amazing and thought provoking session with me to establish where you are at NOW, where you want to BE, and HOW we are going to get you moving and shaking in that direction STAT! {$598 value}
Are you ready to really unleash your gifts and uplevel your life?
Welcome to the VIP Experience!
Having a little trouble connecting to Source yourself? Want to know a little about what you are leaving on the table?
Connect with me for a VIP program to knock your socks off.
This is you and me. 1 on 1 going through all of your downloads.
What type are they?
Gift? Code? Direct Download? Idea? Manifesto? Full on program to implement? And more…
The details, translated by me, telling you exactly what they are for.
- Are you gifted with the ability to see the future in the stars?
- Did you get a new guide in with that?
- How can your guidance team help you connect with that gift and actually start using it?
- Did you get a new totally done for you, custom, knock your freaking socks off program?
Let’s figure out the details!
With 3 private sessions for you to use during weeks 5 and 6 plus a follow-up session at the end of your program for final preparation and implementation of all the thoughts and ideas that came forth to you during this program.
Imagine where this will take you as you start to apply this to ALL of your downloads from this point forward! No more guessing ladies!! You are being given your divine guidance each and every day and it has success written all over it!
This VIP program gets you 1-on-1 access to me as we figure out all of your downloads that are opened up to you during week 5’s activation and attunements session.
What was one of mine? My awesomely epic 172 Strand DNA Activation! AND this program, of course. Every single word of every single week with every single activation, attunement, and meditation given all to me {for you!}, by Source.
What is waiting for you?
Grab your spot and start beginning your new life today!
And the best part?
You are jump starting your way to an EPIC New Year and riding these amazing energies the entire way.
The even better part?
This program is designed to go at YOUR own pace and can be easily accomplished in under an hour each day… or less if you choose to break it up.
That is less time than you’ve been spending on Facebook lately. Yeah… I hear YOU!
All material is available in your client portal here on my website so that you can follow along at your own pace.
Any other questions? Reach out to me for a 20 minute call and let’s dish about the deets!
And, as always, I look forward to watching {and helping!} you GROW!
Unleash your gifts. Uplevel your life.